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  • 发布日期:2009-11-25
  • 浏览次数:
       为了促进植物发育及进化生物学方面的学术交流与合作,定于8月10日-15日召开“2009年植物发育及分子生物学暑期班”。本届暑期班由教育部高等学校学科创新引智计划资助,北京大学生命科学学院与北大耶鲁联合研究中心联合举办。邀请到北京大学长江特聘讲座教授及美国耶鲁大学邓兴旺教授、美国卡内基研究所王志勇教授,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校林辰涛教授、上海复旦大学马红教授、美国加州大学Riverside分校杨贞标教授、美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校赵云德教授、美国密歇根大学仇寅龙教授。授课的内容为当今植物发育与进化生物学领域的前沿与热点,对从事相关领域研究的师生们是一次难得的学习与交流的机会。        暑期班日程安排如下:      时间:8月10-15日,上午8:30-12:00  下午14:00-17:30      地点:北大校园内,教室待定。   August 10 (Monday): Yunde Zhao (UC San Diego) Auxin and plant development Lecture 1: Auxin, polarity, and organogenesis Lecture 2: Formation of auxin gradients: local auxin synthesis Lecture 3: Formation of auxin gradients: polar auxin transport Lecture 4: Coordination of auxin synthesis, transport, and signal transduction in plant organogenesis   August 11 (Tuesday): Zhenbiao Yang (UC Riverside) Signaling in Cell Development Lecture 1: Methods in plant cell biology Lecture 2: The cytoskeleton: function and regulation Lecture 2: Signaling mechanisms for cell polarity formation Lecture 3: Signaling mechanisms for cell shape formation   August 12 (Wednesday): Zhiyong Wang (Carnegie Institution, Stanford University) Hormonal signaling and Plant Development Lecture 1: Plant hormones, receptors, and signaling pathways. Lecture 2: Brassinosteroid signal transduction I. Lecture 3: Brassinosteroid signal transduction II. Lecture 4: Studying signal transduction using proteomics.   August 13 (Thursday): Lin Chentao/Deng Xingwang (UCLA/Yale) Photomorphogenesis and light Signal Trnsduction Lecture 1: Photoreceptors I Lecture 2: Photoreceptors II Lecture 3: Light signal transduction I Lecture 4: Light signal transduction II   August 14 (Friday): Yin-Long Qiu (University of Michigan) Evolutionary developmental studies of land plants Lecture 1: introduction to plant evo-devo Lecture 2: evolution of life cycle in land plants Lecture 3: MADS box genes Lecture 4: mycorrhizal genes   August 15 (Saturday): Hong Ma (Fudan University) Molecular genetic and evolutionary studies of male fertility Lecture 1: Introduction to male reproductive development Lecture 2: Cell-cell signaling and transcriptional network in anther cell differentiation Lecture 3: Genes controlling meiotic recombination Lecture 4: Molecular evolutionary studies of recombination genes   欢迎相关学生、研究人员的参加,请将本通知转发给您周围老师和同学们。 ———————————————————————————————————————————— “2009年植物发育及分子生物学暑期班”回执   请参加人员务必填写回执表(可复印),于5月30日前给予回复。   注:本暑期班不收取任何费用,参会人员需自行安排食宿、交通等事宜。   联系人:崔维维   联系地址:北京大学生命科学学院,100871 电话:010-62753018,  传真:010-62753339   Email:  pyc@pku.edu.cn  
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澳门新葡平台网址8883澳门新葡平台网址8883  版权所有  2009  清华大学教育技术研究所  协助